10 Things You Need to Know About Our QEP

1. What's a "QEP"?

"QEP" stands for "Quality Enhancement Plan." The QEP is required by SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools), Savannah State University's accrediting body. It is a five-year project that will enhance the quality of your education.

2. What is SACS and why do you need to be accredited?

SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) is the regional accrediting body for colleges and universities in the southeast. SACS accredits Savannah State University (SSU) to award degrees. Every ten years SSU must be reviewed to get reacredited so we can:

3. What's our QEP about?

The official name is "The Write Attitude!: Enhancing Student Learning by Fostering Positive Attitudes toward Writing." Translation: We will create a campus culture that cultivates a positive attitude towards the practice of writing, which will, in turn, help you become a better writer.

4. Why writing?

Writing strengthens your critical thinking skills, reinforces your knowledge of a topic, and allows you to express your unique viewpoint on a topic. Simply put, it makes you smarter!

5. Why focus on my attitude?

Generally, people who are good writers have a positive attitude about writing. But, if you don't have confidence in your writing skills, you probably don't like to write, and consequently, you avoid opportunities to write. If you enjoy writing, you're more likely to write; and the more you write, the more the quality of your writing will improve; and the better your writing, the better you're able to learn and work with ideas. Attitude is everything!

6. How can this QEP change my attitude about writing?

You'll cultivate "The Write Attitude" as you write about subjects you are passionate about, or receive helpful feedback that tells when you are on the right track and where you need assistance. As you build confidence in your writing skills, you are more likely to embrace the opportunity to express yourself in writing.

7. How will the QEP work in my classes?

You can expect many more opportunities to improve your writing skills in all of your classes, regardless of discipline or major.

8. What help can I expect outside the classroom?

Resources like the SSU University Writing Center and the Center for Academic Success already help students with writing and learning. In addition, the QEP provides many opportunities for you to write in student-oriented events such as our Writing Workshops, Lunch and Learn Series, Writing Contests, Write for Change, The Write Attitude Radio Shows, Game Night, Open Mic Write, The Write Page Book Club, to name a few.

9. How is the local Savannah community getting involved?

SSU is reaching out to the local community so you can get real world experience regarding the importance of writing. Some of the community partners and QEP activities that will showcase your writing skills are:

10. How can I help?

We are always in need of volunteers, writing tutors, and writing fellows. If you enjoy writing and want to spread "The Write Attitude," send an e-mail to qep@savannastate.edu. To view upcoming events, click here. Follow us on Instagram (@Write_SSU), Twitter (@WriteSSU) and Facebook (@WriteSSU).