Life Insurance

University System Life Insurance Plan details

Basic life insurance
All regular employees working one-half time or more in benefit-eligible positions receive the basic coverage of $25,000 at no cost to the employee.

Supplemental life insurance

Supplemental insurance may be purchased in the amount of one, two, or three times your annual contract salary (rounded to the next higher multiple of one thousand). The cost of this coverage is determined by your age.

Dependent life insurance
Dependent life insurance provides coverage in the amounts of:

Dependent children, between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five, may be covered if they are full-time students. Unmarried dependent children, who are incapable of self- support because of a physical or mental incapacity, may also be covered.

Basic insurance is provided automatically; however, you must complete an enrollment card to designate your beneficiary. You must enroll for supplemental and/or dependent coverage within 31 days of employment, or you must be underwritten and approved by the insurance carrier.


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