Marine Science Club

The objective of the organization is: 1) to expose all students to different aspects of Marine Science (2) for students interested in Marine Science to explore and advance themselves in the field (3) to spend time with like minded students in this endeavor (4) to participate in seminars and activities that promote the welfare of our community and (5) to get the Savannah State University campus and surrounding community involved in environmental concerns and solutions here in and around Savannah, Georgia.

Who can join?

This organization is open to all students at Savannah State University.

  1. Members must maintain good academic standing.
  2. Members must abide by the rules and regulations of the Student Conduct Code of Savannah State University.
  3. All members must pay dues of $5 per semester/ $10 per year on- time by September 15 in fall and February 2 in spring.
  4. Conduct and behavior must be in a respectful manner throughout every meeting for members.
  5. Members must take an active participation or attendance in club activities & meetings. Failure to do so may result in termination of membership (2/3 majority vote)
  6. No member should be expelled by less than a two-thirds vote- but a failure to obey the summons of a trial is cause for immediate expulsion

Elected Officers


Vice President




Mr. & Miss Marine Science



For Club News Join Our Marine Science Club Facebook Group